The story
After thorough research, Baglatzis sisters came to us to develop their oil package design. With a background in physics and engineering, both sisters employ a scientific approach to everything they do. Along with their parents they have created a large productive olive grove and an oil processing plant equipped with the latest technology. And have now reached a point where they produce a high-quality organic extra virgin olive oil.
The name
As it was expected, their mentality and scientific approach affected the way in which we approached their olive oil’s name. After presenting some options, both parties agreed and concluded that ‘oath’ was the best fit for their product: a bold name which communicates the devotion with which they produce their olive oil. Their oil represents a promise. A promise to themselves and to their customers; to always offer the highest quality available.
The logotypes
Aware that ‘oath’ is a bold name, we aimed to create a logo that didn’t feel overly weighty. At first glance, the Oath logo may appear to be simply crafted from a font. But it’s more than that. Upon closer inspection, one can discern a discreet cross, an emblematic symbol associated to oath-taking. The hidden symbol shows its strength from a concealed position.
Additionally, we were tasked with designing a logo for Baglatzis Estate. The Baglatzis Estate logo combines a signature-style letter B with a single-line drawing of an olive tree, also used as part of the Estate’s stamp badge.
After thorough discussion with Baglatzis sisters, we agreed to focus on the product’s quality characteristics instead of choosing or designing a fancy packaging that would not only lead to retail price rise but could possibly disorientate consumers. Therefore, we went for classic Dorica bottle and designed a label that covers the largest portion of it. White has an important role in the design of the label; it communicates the purity of the product, with the logo being the protagonist of the packaging, without being loud. We also had the idea of incorporating a text for Baglatzis’ oath, which is sealed with Baglatzis Estate’s embossed stamp badge. The capsule of the oath olive oil is white to match with the packaging and is hot stamped to add a touch of flair. The bottle neck tag includes important information, such as trace number and oil’s characteristics.
From the beginning of our collaboration with S & Team, the whole team was deeply listening, thinking and guiding the process of “giving birth” to our brand. The smile on our faces proves that not only are we happy with this collaboration but also love the outcome; the packaging design for Oath organic olive oil.
S & Team always stays true to our triptych: “Listen – think – act”!
Alkyoni Baglatzi
Managing Director, Baglatzis Estate